Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poizone ADSR Update #2

After playing around with this remix for a bit, my two synths have essentially changed rolls. The synth that I thought would be my lower pitched bass (the synth first described below) has had its attack value lowered to around 25% and its sustain raised to around 75% and has become a high pitched, almost floating loop. The changes in its ADSR values really bring out the synth's violin like quality. The synth that I thought was going to be my lead (the 2nd synth described below) has been left at its same ADSR vaules but has had a slight chorus added to it and has become a lower pitched semi-rapid bassline. I'm still experimenting with a third synth for a clear lead and, after hearding my remix, would like some suggestions as to what direction I should steer my remix next. Here is what I have so far:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Clark. I really like the statement of the main riff with the solo kick. The clap and other rhythmic complexities come it gradually allowing the listener to focus attention on the riff. The string-like synth is great too. I'd like to hear this synth do some more melodic material- it sounds like a lot of whole notes (which is fine for special effect) , so go ahead and be adventurous with the melody over the riff you have.
